News & Events

Local News and Events

Skirling Village Clean – 30th March

With the arrival of spring, it will be time for our annual village clean.

Please join us at the village hall at 1pm on Sunday 30th March for equipment and instructions and help keep Skirling beautiful!

Dates for your Diary

Skirling Car Boot Sale – 17th May
Advance notice of the Skirling Green Christian Aid Car Boot sale which this year will be held on the Sunday 17th May from 2 to 5pm.   Start to look out any bits and bobs to sell yourself or to donate to the Christian Aid stall.   And of course there will be teas in the village hall, again donations of baking and offers of help gratefully received.  Contact Isobel Hunter 01899 860274 or

Skirling Celebrates 750 Years – June
A celebration is planned in June to mark the fact that 2025 is 750 years since the first mention anyone can find of Skirling.  The idea would be to have a bouncy castle, a barbecue maybe some dancing and a small exhibition and talk about the history of the village.  Happy to receive any additional ideas for the day.  Contact Katy Miller 01899 860252 or  

Community Action Plan

The Skirling Community Action Plan sets out the priorities for the development of Skirling over the next 5 years as determined by the community through an extensive process of community engagement carried out over a five month period from May – September 2023.

The priorities to be taken forward fall under five themes as follows:


Making it Happen

The plan is for the whole community and is jointly owned by all the organisations and individuals that took part in its preparation.
We have co-ordinators and small teams of volunteers for each of the themes, but would love even more community involvement.  If you have ideas to offer or skills and knowledge to share, please complete our online form by 19th March.

Hard copies of the Community Action Plan have been distributed to Skirling residents.  If, for some reason, you have not received a copy for your household, please send an email to or click here for a digital copy.


Thank you to all our residents who helped to shape this plan for Skirling. 
The Skirling Community Action Plan Steering Group was supported in preparing this Community Action Plan by STAR Development Group.
Funding was provided by SSE Clyde Borders Community Benefit Fund.

Biggar Medical Practice Patient Group

We welcome views from patients about your experience of the practice and also other NHS and social care services used by you.  You can let us know what has worked well and what has not – and how it might be improved.  If you would like to give any feedback, please email  Sarah Sinclair is the Chair of the Patient Group, which has membership across the practice area.

If, however, you wish to make a complaint – the practice follows the NHS Complaints Procedure, which we cannot participate in.  More details on the complaints procedure can be found below with the practice website link.

The below minutes are also available on the practice website, where there is lots of health information:  Under the section About Us/Have Your Say you can find the minutes as well as the NHS Complaints Procedure.

PATIENT GROUP MINUTES:  July 2023 | October 2023

Potholes and Road Repairs

To effectively register potholes and road repairs, use the FixMyStreet website or App, which allows you to locate the exact position of the problem and submit a photo.  This is then directly submitted to the correct council department and keeps track of when/if the problem is dealt with (including re-contacting the council if nothing is done).  A very effective tool.

Regular Skirling Events

These events take place in Skirling Village Hall regularly, everyone is welcome!

Pilates – 
Wednesdays from 5pm to 6pm and Thursdays from 6pm to 7pm with Lindy.  £7 per person per session.  Contact Lindy on 07549 686 116 or by email on

Skirling Lunch – 
Every second Thursday in the month from 12pm.  £2 per person.

Toddlers – 
Toddler group for toddlers and babies every Friday from 9.30am to 11.30am.  Swaps between Skirling and Broughton village halls.  £2 per child.  Contact Katy on 01899 860 252.

Citizens Advice Bureau / What Matters Hubs

Citizens Advice Bureau – 

Contact Peebles Citizens Advice Bureau for information on a range of issues including benefits, debt advice, cost of living support, consumer, employment and housing issues – for free confidential advice, call them on 01721 721722. 

The Citizens Advice Bureau, doctors, churches, social work and schools can also make referrals to Peebleshire Foodbank  for people in need of emergency food parcels.

SBC – What Matters Hubs – 

What Matters Hubs offer drop in sessions and appointments where you can meet people from community groups and voluntary organisations as well as social workers and occupational therapists.  For more information, click here.

Live Borders Digital Library

As well as their physical libraries, Live Borders also offer an ever increasing digital library to all their members.  Click here for the full details and links.